How to assert the quality of a translation?


The French translation of SecureDrop is complete. However my French is not great and you can expect syntax / spelling errors. I’ll ask my significant other to proofread it (luckily she is a French proofreader by trade).

But that’s not going to be enough for the French translation to be merged into SecureDrop. It will first have to be verified by at least one third party so that is confident it is faithful to the original English version.

I guess I’ll ask around to find such third parties and see where it goes. However, if people have ideas it would be great. This will have to be repeated for every language and it would be good to find a generic process. Maybe can be such a third party ?


It looks like localizationlab can indeed help. See last week the conference call summary for details.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Weblate down for maintenance

Yesterday Alain-Olivier (French coordinator for localizationlab) reviewed & fixed the glossary and a number of strings. Really happy about that: this is a major step to complete the SecureDrop localization process !

The i18n demo was updated accordingly.

Thanks localizationlab & Alain-Olivier :slight_smile: