June SecureDrop Community Monthly Meeting, Online


The SecureDrop Community meeting is the best way to get a quick overview of what happened in the past month. It also is the time for everyone to connect, ask for help and announce their intention to do something new.

It is the date that most people agree with:

time speaker(s) topic
1mn first time participants First time participants get 10 sec to say Hi :slight_smile:
3mn @dachary Past and upcoming events summary
3mn @Swarthon @dachary @veronika.nad Enough Nextcloud app is registered, Android app, logo, usability testing, indie.hoster
3mn @drashti4 @dachary The quest for potential SecureDrop users in Hindi, Arabic, Russian
3mn @drashti4 @dachary Localization updates, style guide, Swedish weblate evolution, new languages, minority languages
3mn @Inna @veronika.nad @ei8fdb @belenbarrospena @saptaks @Fabrice @mickael @dachary Short introduction from UX team members, possibly via someone else if the person cannot make it
3mn @fpoulain @dachary SecureDrop.club infrastructure updates and the new event calendar
3mn @redshiftzero Mainline SecureDrop development update: SecureDrop 0.7.1 and SecureDrop 0.8.0
3mn @ei8fdb An update on the Qubes client/SD workflow user research
1mn @veronika.nad @dachary EU directive consultation and Spanish legislation
3mn - Choosing the date of the July SecureDrop Community meeting

This time around someone will take notes for the benefit of people who cannot attend. Feel free to propose topics that interest you, preferably in a 3mn format.

It was suggested that we organize meetings well in advance and I’ll propose dates in a separate thread.


Note: Feel free to add yourself to the agenda above, anyone can edit this message

The poll that ran for a week to find a date suitable to most:

  • Wednesday June 20th, 6:30pm-7:00pm Paris/Berlin time
  • Tuesday June 26th, 6:30pm-7:00pm Paris/Berlin time

0 voters

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Unless someone objects, I propose to select the most popular date by Friday 25th May 2018 so people who are available at both dates can choose which one to book.

You mean 25th June? (adding characters to meet minimum char limit :wink: )

I meant to say “by the end of next week” :wink:

@dachary, would you happen to know if there’s a permissions issue with the calendar? The link tells me the calendar does not exist. :confused:

My bad, I removed the faulty link. It is inconvenient for people to have one more service and ended up going for a simpler route. The event category is now sorted to display the future events in chronological order.

I have tentatively added the calendar to the FPF meetings calendar. I am not sure if I will attend, it depends on my employment situation in the next few weeks.

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@jonas tomorrow is the SecureDrop Community Monthly Meeting. We will talk about you, of course :wink: It would be great to have you, if you can make it.

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@Swarthon @drashti4 @Inna @mickael @Fabrice @fpoulain @ei8fdb @belenbarrospena @saptaks @veronika.nad a gentle reminder that our SecureDrop Community Monthly Meeting is tomorrow :slight_smile:


Sure. Will see you all there.

Thank you for the reminder. It’s okay for me !

My old computer forbid me to join the framatalk, so here is my review.

Done works last month

  • Mainly: closing bug reports.
  • reviewing/following @dachary’s code
  • put forum mailling list mode
  • new securedrop instances monitoring over tor
  • everyday infrastructure maintaining (mainly: following icinga notifications and applying security upgrades).

Todo on next period

  • Mainly: everyday infrastructure maintaining and closing bug reports.

Existing blocking points last month

  • I started a new job so I haven’t so much free time
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Thanks for attending today, it was a good opportunity for everyone to get a quick overview of what is going on. A few of us had technical difficulties (@fpoulain computer failing, @drashti4 audio being bad at times). Did someone else experience problems? The sound quality was good on my end: I could hear all participants clearly, no breakup, even when there was over 10 person connected.

@AnXh3L0 I saw you join and drop during the meeting. Thanks for trying to join and sorry it did not work out :frowning: Would you mind letting me know what difficulties you had? Don’t worry we announced that you and @elioqoshi will work on the SecureDrop UI StyleGuide !

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I tried joining as well but had similar problems. Thanks for communicating that!

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I’m interested to know more about the issues you had. Was it failing to connect? Or did you not hear anything? Are you otherwise using jit.si with success? Is your internet connection good otherwise? I’m eager to understand and address the issues people have: it can be frustrating.

I was able to connect but could not hear anything. I use Jit.si quite often and it is our preferred tool at Ura as well. However we are often less people which works out well usually (2-4)

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During SecureDrop standups we routinely have 5-8 persons and it works well. 10 or more seems to cause problems. Sigh Do you know of an alternative audio-only that would not be subject to that limitation and be Free Software server side as well as client side? https://nextcloud.com/talk/ comes to mind and I’ve had success using it 1on1 with @ei8fdb. Not sure how it behaves when used by 10+ people.

Have we considered trying Ring? https://ring.cx/

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I never tried it. Do you have first hand experience? Or know someone who has?